словарь грузинский - английский

ქართული - English

განქორწინება на английском языке:

1. Divorce Divorce

When we hear of a divorce we assume that it was caused by the inability of those two people to agree upon fundamentals.
Two whole pages of the newspaper were devoted to the news of the royal divorce.
The divorce was finalized this morning at the attorney's office.
I hear their marriage is on the rocks and they'll probably file for divorce soon.
I would rather divorce him.
Among married couples, there has been an increase in divorce and separation with the result that there are many more one-parent families.
They move from place to place, often change jobs, divorce more frequently, and take economic and social risks which seem dangerous.
For him, divorce is a good invention, with one sole disadvantage: you have to get married first.
I'll not divorce you, unless you give me a good reason.
My husband got the hots for a Canadian and is threatening me with divorce.
Even disaster is better than such a divorce between emotion and action.
Can't you divorce fantasy from reality?
Compared with those in America, Japanese marriages rarely end in divorce.
Jeff and Mia are making a last ditch effort to avoid a divorce.
It is certain that the increase of divorce will lead to anxiety between couples, parents and children.

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