словарь французский - английский

Français - English

une descente на английском языке:

1. downhill downhill

The road is downhill.
I think cycling downhill is more amusing.
I don't think I want to know if it's more bad news. It seems to be going downhill around here.

Английский слово "une descente«(downhill) встречается в наборах:

Fiches du livre - "How To Ski and How Not To" (Viv...

2. raid raid

a bombing raid, an armed raid on a shop in Glasgow
Some said his raid was an act of war.
They shot down two enemy planes during the raid.
The raid on the airport was stopped by the government soldiers.
the police raided a building in Warsaw....... we lost many things during the raid
There was a raid last night in Whitechapel.
The Moroccan authorities cannot even decide how many people were killed in the raid at the camp in Laâyoune.
During the police raid on the house, the officers seized drugs, jewellery and cash.
air raid
Belgian police also carried out 13 new raids and took more people in for questioning
The army launched a series of raids on villages in the western part of the region. Four men raided the bank on Thursday and succeeded in stealing £4,000.
A police raid on a flat ended in bloodshed.
They carried out a bombing raid on enemy bases.
an air raid/ a bank raid
The bandits made a raid on the village.

Английский слово "une descente«(raid) встречается в наборах:

CAE 326 - 350