словарь английский - английский

English - English

zillions of ideas на английском языке:

1. loads of loads of

He’s making loads of money.
Look, I've got to get back to the flat, I've got loads of studying to do.
Recently I have had loads of work.
I’ve got loads of news to tell you, so let’s go out on Thursday evening.
Don't worry, we have got loads of time.
There were loads of people standing around a TV set in the store. Ellie's a good student, and she has a load of friends.
Wow! You've got loads of music on your computer!

Английский слово "zillions of ideas«(loads of) встречается в наборах:

Scandi success

другие слова, начинающиеся с "Z"

zebra на английском языке
zip на английском языке