словарь английский - английский

English - English

very tired на английском языке:

1. Exhausted Exhausted

I'm exhausted.
Exhausted from a day's work, he went to bed much earlier than usual.
Lack of food had left him weak and exhausted.
He slept for only two hours and awoke exhausted.
By the time they reached the summit they were exhausted.
After ten hours at work I am exhausted. I’m waiting for The weekend.
What would you have to do if you were exhausted after having cyclec uphill for an hour?
You’re going to be exhausted with all that windsurfing.
You look exhausted. I think you should slow down a bit and try to relax.
The explorers walked in the jungle all day and were exhausted by the evening.
They've walked a long way today so they'll probably be absolutely exhausted.
The exhausted climbers were rescued by helicopter.
It's been a difficult and long day at work. I am exhausted now and need to lie down.
The exhausted tourists had to stop for a break at a local restaurant.
I'm exhausted! I just want to go home, take a bath, and go to bed.

Английский слово "very tired«(Exhausted) встречается в наборах:

very + adjective

2. drained drained

All the color drained away from his face.
I've had every ounce of my blood drained,
I kept saying "Let's stop" but she drained cup after cup of wine -- and now, as you can see, she's completely drunk.

Английский слово "very tired«(drained) встречается в наборах:

1.2 it`s a first

3. shattered shattered

His hopes were shattered.
The fall from the ledge shattered his leg.
The vase fell to the floor and shattered.
The glass shattered into pieces.
His head had been shattered by a savage blow from some heavy weapon.
Everything in your stupid country smells like feet and shattered dreams.
The tube was shattered by the explosion.
When I tried to set the glass down in the sink my hand slipped and it shattered to pieces.

4. beat beat

Beat it.
In the automotive industry of the 1970's, Japan beat the U.S. at its own game.
The noonday sun beat down with dazzling brightness on the tennis court.
Parents who beat their children really make my blood boil.
And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
I went down to the sports office to sign up for the last position on the basketball team, but somebody else beat me to it.
When Charlotte saw the other girl running past her, she knew she couldn’t beat her in the race.
This is a dangerous beat. We shouldn't be here. We got lost in this beat, can you tell us how to get back to the centre?
How many times was you beaten sb?
So pack up your men in white and beat it
Which country’ football team beat Holland?
I’m going to bed now – I’m beat.
Domestic violence is a serious problem. Lots of parents regularly beat their children.
There are different methods of beating eggs.
Add the sugar and vanilla to the cream and beat vigorously until the cream thickens.

5. dead tired dead tired

Sarah was so dead tired she could barely stay standing.
I was dead tired after working the whole night.

Английский слово "very tired«(dead tired) встречается в наборах:

*** english - english

6. weary weary

She was weary with age.
I was weary of doing the same thing over and over again.
He'd sat down for a moment to rest his weary legs and suddenly looked up and saw an elderly woman before him.
There is no rest for the weary.
The old man beguiled the weary day with cards.
Come on, sit down and rest your weary legs.
Weary as an adjective means "very tired or worn out," like weary students who finished a long week of studying and taking tests.
She suddenly felt old and weary.
... rhetoric has impressed violence- weary voters.
he was weary of the constant battle between them
Usually, after ten minutes or so he would make it clear that he was weary of my presence.
Children weary me with their constant questions and demands.
including her weary sister Virginia slumped in a chair,
and eventually, as news bulletins and headlines subside, a weary resignation.
I have grown weary

Английский слово "very tired«(weary) встречается в наборах:

lord of the flies ch. 1

7. knackered knackered

We were completely knackered from the five-hour trip.
After twelve hours of work, I'm knackered.
My bike's knackered.
I just finished my daily training and I'm absolutely knackered.
I went to a party last night and now I'm knackered!
That is, total exhaustion. Body and soul completely knackered.