словарь английский - английский

English - English

very busy на английском языке:

1. hectic hectic

I don't work now and I lead a less hectic life.
Tomorrow might be hectic.
a hectic day/week
Things were very hectic at work today; I guess it’s because the boss is back!
My schedule was hectic, but I had a good time.
We both had hectic days at work
Last weekend was hectic because of the exams.
The area has become a haven for peopletired of the hectic pace of city life.
Living in the city can be very hectic.
I’ve had a pretty hectic day.
hectic work
After a hectic day at work, all I want to do is have a good rest.
It’s nice to get away from the busy and hectic nature of city life
At this time of year we have a hectic atmosphere in here.
Definition if things are hectic, you are very busy and have to deal with lots of different things very quickly

Английский слово "very busy«(hectic) встречается в наборах:

C1 Advanced 10 (Modern Living)
vocabulary 28-10-2013

2. manic manic

He's kind of manic - I wish he'd calm down.

3. tied up tied up

She is tied up with a court case
I can't tomorrow. I'm gonna be all tied up.

4. be up to your eyes in work be up to your eyes in work

Английский слово "very busy«(be up to your eyes in work) встречается в наборах:

job and relaxing

5. to be on the go to be on the go

Английский слово "very busy«(to be on the go) встречается в наборах:

education and work

6. swamped swamped

We were swamped with visitors.
I really can't help you, I'm just swamped.
My better half screwed me over for being swamped.
through this stupid school I'm constantly swamped with duties
... Olympic Games they were swamped with volunteers.

7. engrossed

She was engrossed in conversation.
She would spend hours engrossed in books.
Takeo is engrossed in solving mathematical problems.
We know how completely engrossed children become in games.
I am engrossed in sailing.
The boy was engrossed in constructing a model plane.

Английский слово "very busy«(engrossed) встречается в наборах:

lost the very

8. be as busy as a bee

Английский слово "very busy«(be as busy as a bee) встречается в наборах:

idioms (a-e)