словарь английский - английский

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to help на английском языке:

1. helpful helpful

The program might be helpful for everyone interested in the Italian culture.
Few treasures are worth as much as a friend who is wise and helpful.
Yoga is helpful.
Miss Park is very helpful. When I couldn't think of ideas form my project she gave me lots of useful advice.
In this country there are only few examples that ideology and religion are helpful in character building for people.
Reading literary criticism is very helpful to understanding literature.
An essential condition for a helpful interview is a quiet room in which doctor and parents can sit comfortably and in private without being interrupted.
This is definitely, 'The good you do for others is good you do yourself'! It's a reward because I was helpful!
When traveling abroad, it's helpful to learn at least a few chance words and phrases of your destination.
That boy was so clever that he was helpful to the merchant in dealing.
What harm would it do, if a man told a good strong lie for the sake of the good and for the Christian church … a lie out of necessity, a useful lie, a helpful lie, such lies would not be against God, he would accept them.
Therefore I desperately began looking for some contacts and eventually succeeded in getting a few helpful addresses and telephone numbers.
helpful advice / comments
Many people like these shops because the atmosphere is friendly and the shop-assistants are polite and helpful.
He's very helpful. He likes doing things for other people.

Английский слово "to help«(helpful) встречается в наборах:

Los sufijos más utilizados en inglés

2. helpfulness helpfulness

Arthur's helpfulness is sometimes too enthusiastic and he just causes problems.

3. stand by stand by

the company agreed to stand by its original commitment
Important to stand by each other
I need you to stand by and answer the phone when my broker calls.
People may stand by when someone else is getting hurt.
Whatever you decide to do, I'll stand by you all the way.
She has vowed to stand by her husband during his trial. / We can’t stand by while millions of people starve.

4. assist assist

We will do everything possible to assist the injured
They can't assist you if you don't have your receipt.
The company's manager assisted me at the meeting.
Mary will assist you.
I often assist my sister to do her homework.
The best efforts of the human race, in addition, were necessary to assist the gods in their cosmic task.
The airplane used a rocket motor to assist with takeoff.
A volunteers' job is to assist elderly patients with everyday activities.
My colleague offered to assist me in the preparation of the documentation.
After long negotiations they finally agreed to assist the research.
It's got Denise, who's there to assist, organise and sometimes make the tea.
The company's manager assisted me at the meeting. (Menedżer firmy był obecny podczas spotkania.) I want you to assist me at the hospital during my surgery. (Chcę, żebyś towarzyszył mi w szpitalu podczas mojej operacji.)
Robots are already assisting elderly people with household tasks.
individual trainers will be available to assist you
Please wait until everyone is off the plane so that we can assist you

Английский слово "to help«(assist) встречается в наборах:

keynote unit 1

5. aid aid

It would really aid our investigation if witnesses would come forward and say what they saw.
I need first aid.
Japan's foreign aid is decreasing in part because of an economic slowdown at home.
This course teaches basic skills in First Aid.
Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has: it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but--more frequently than not --struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God.
We're taking a crash course in first aid before our two-week trek through the mountains.
Please, lend him some more aid!
We concluded that mutual aid was essential for attaining the goal.
She fainted in the store and found herself in the first aid room when she came to.
aid (n)
To get the nation's economy out of the red, more foreign aid had to be pumped in.
They also gave food and material aid to as many as 10,269 people to help reconstruct destroyed homes.
Everybody should know first aid rules just in case an accident happens.
... state intervention to aid private industry.
Another issue is just how quickly the aid money can be spent

6. give me a hand give me a hand

I'm afraid I can't do it by myself. Could you give me a hand?