словарь английский - английский

English - English

supervision на английском языке:

1. supervise supervise

While she is writing, her dad will supervise.
I was asked to supervise this project.
I will supervise the organisation of the new department.
We'll have to supervise her work
He’s supposed to be supervising other people’s work, not having his work supervised!
Which section of the works do you supervise?
Somebody supervises production.
I supervise the work of existing hotels and the construction of new sites.
Lifeguards supervise the beach in the summer to make sure nobody gets into difficulties in the sea.
Every second day I supervise my sister during doing homework.
I supervise the assembly of belt conveyor.

Английский слово "supervision«(supervise) встречается в наборах:

Word formation nouns

2. individual meetings with the teacher who is responsible for the students dissertation individual meetings with the teacher who is responsible for the students dissertation

Английский слово "supervision«(individual meetings with the teacher who is responsible for the students dissertation) встречается в наборах:

Academic courses