словарь английский - английский

English - English

infinite на английском языке:

1. finite

I realized that I had a finite number of days left to live – approximately five hundred, if I was lucky.
finite resources
finite, limited energy
The world's resources are finite.
This problem has got a finite number of solutions.
Oil and gas are finite resources.
Some scientists say that universe is finite in size.
Death ends man's finite existence.
Obviously, the theorem is true for finite sets.
For the sake of completeness, let us mention that the ring R - considered as a module over itself - has submodules of arbitrarily large finite length.
The difference between a strictly quasilinear function and a quasilinear function is that, in the second case, the finite difference between two random points may be equal to zero.

Английский слово "infinite«(finite) встречается в наборах:

positive negative prefix2 in
adjectives in un

2. limitless

Civilization is the limitless multiplication of unnecessary necessities.
The universe is limitless.
limitless possibilities

3. without beginning or end

4. endless unlimited

5. very much

I like him very much
I like the film very much.

6. perpetual

Latin is a perpetual language.
the perpetual noise of the machines
The personal mind is in a perpetual state of change.
Most think that their legal dilemma is perpetual, that it will never end.
Claire thought she might become a perpetual student. She just kept going from course to course.
their perpetual money worries
Lifelong education means perpetual retraining.
Justice is the constant and perpetual desire to give to each one that to which he is entitled. Jurisprudence is the knowledge of matters divine and human, and the comprehension of what is just and what is unjust.
Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal.
Perpetual devotion to what a man calls his business, is only to be sustained by perpetual neglect of many other things.
Pythagoras used to say that he had received as a gift from Mercury the perpetual transmigration of his soul, so that it was constantly transmigrating and passing into all sorts of plants or animals.