словарь английский - английский

English - English

allow to escape на английском языке:

1. let out let out

Little Alex let out her parrot from the cage yesterday morning.
The classes finished earlier but we were not let out before 3 o'clock.
She let out a great sigh of relief when she heard that her husband had not been killed in the accident.
I’m going to have this skirt let out.
When she put on weight she had to let out her clothes.
The classes finished earlier but we were not let out before o'clock.
let out a little bit of the main sheet, clamp

Английский слово "allow to escape«(let out) встречается в наборах:

synonimy egzamin

2. rule out

We can rule out
First of all, we should rule out all unfeasible possibilities.

Английский слово "allow to escape«(rule out) встречается в наборах:

phrasals eng