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coupled with
Rising sea levels, coupled with an increase in severe storms
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to join or combine (something) with (something else)
Podnoszący się poziom mórz w połączeniu ze wzrostem liczby silnych sztormów
is driven by
It's driven by rising temperatures / Like most of the lawyers that I know, Rachel is driven.
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Jest napędzany/zmotywowany przez
jest napedzany przez rosnaca temperature / Podobnie jak większość prawników, których znam, Rachel jest zdeterminowana.
get along to each other
My boss and I get along very well / He just can't figure out why you two don't get along
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be friendly with each other
Mój szef i ja bardzo dobrze się dogadujemy / On po prostu nie może zrozumieć, dlaczego się nie dogadujecie
acquainted with
The aim of the task is getting acquainted with the code
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to know or be familiar with something
Celem zadania jest zapoznanie się z kodem
carry out
the killing was carried out for gain / I was elected to carry out a program
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to bring to a successful issue
zabójstwo dokonano dla zysku / Zostałem wybrany do realizacji programu
take your comprehension to
it will help you take your comprehension to the very highest level
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wznieść Twoje zrozumienie na
pomoże Ci wznieść Twoje zrozumienie na najwyższy poziom
I'm really into the game
The movie lasted more than 3 hours, but I was so into it that I didn't even realize it was that long.
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with this expression you are saying your full attention is on the game you are watching on TV.
Film trwał ponad 3 godziny, ale tak się w to wciągnęłam, że nawet nie zdawałam sobie sprawy, że trwa tak długo.
To give a hand
How’s the dinner coming along? I can give you a hand if you want.
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to help someone
Jak idzie obiad? mogę pomóż ci, jeśli chcesz.
i will get right on that
A: "I need you to print this file ASAP." B: "OK, yep, I'll get right on it."
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is simply a way to say "I will do that as soon as possible." It just means that one will do a particular task promptly.
A: "Muszę wydrukować ten plik JAK NAJSZYBCIEJ." B: "OK, tak, zajmę się tym".
I thought I was gonna pass out from the pain
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Myślałem, że zemdleję z bólu
stage fright
I got the stage fright
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Actors or performers who have stage fright are nervous because they are about to perform.
Mam tremę
knock someone out
He was knocked out halfway through the fight / Our team was knocked out in the semifinals
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to make someone become unconscious, usually by hitting him or her on the head / to defeat a person or team in a competition so that the person or team cannot take part any more
Został znokautowany w połowie walki / Nasza drużyna odpadła w półfinale
put something on
Hogwarts students need to put their black robes on to go to class
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simply means to start wearing something
Uczniowie Hogwartu muszą założyć czarne szaty, aby iść na zajęcia
pull something out
After 50 minutes, pull out of the oven and carefully grind / Keep all that cash you make in a safe place, and look like a boss when you pull your wallet out to pay a bill
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to take something out of the interior of something
Po 50 minutach wyjąć z piekarnika i dokładnie zmielić / Trzymaj wszystkie zarobione pieniądze w bezpiecznym miejscu i wyglądaj jak szef, gdy wyciągasz portfel, aby zapłacić rachunek
come up with something
He's come up with a new way to use up cold chicken / He came up with a great idea for the ad campaign
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to suggest or think of an idea or plan
Wymyślił nowy sposób wykorzystania zimnego kurczaka / Wpadł na świetny pomysł na kampanię reklamową
make up one's mind
he made up his mind to attend the meeting / i made up my mind a long time ago
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make a decision; decide.
postanowił wziąć udział w spotkaniu / podjąłem decyzje już dawno temu
being held against your will
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kept somewhere you don't want to be, as a prisoner
let me get this straight
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when we want to make sure we understood something clearly
(something) comes with (something)
McDonald's Happy Meals always come with a toy
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it means that it is included for free when we buy that thing
Happy Meals McDonald's zawsze są dostarczane z zabawką
what have you guys been up to
you want to know what that person has been doing since the last time that you saw him or her
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co porabiacie?
something really takes it out of you
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coś naprawdę cię wyczerpuje

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