CAE 701 - 725

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Scrisul lui Jason era atât de urât, abia era lizibil.
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Jason's handwriting was so bad, it was barely legible.
Nu bea prea mult alcool, nu e bine pentru ficatul tău.
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Don't drink too much alcohol, it's not good for your liver.
Pescarul a legat o momeală de undița sa pentru a atrage peștele spre cârligul său.
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The fisherman tied a lure to his rod so that fish would be attracted to his hook.
Poți pune ceanicul să fiarbă, te rog? Aș vrea o ceașcă de ceai.
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Can you put the kettle on to boil, please? I'd like a cup of tea.
Sicriele lăcuite în mod elaborat erau folosite în China antică.
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Elaborately decorated lacquered coffins were used in ancient China.
efect de domino
Dacă băncile încep să se confrunte cu probleme, acest lucru va avea un efect de domino asupra restului economiei.
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knock-on effect
If the banks start struggling, it will have a knock-on effect for the rest of the economy.
a îi lipsi
Lui Noah îi lipsesc multe dintre calitățile pe care le caut la un iubit.
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to lack
Noah lacks many of the qualities I look for in a boyfriend.
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