At the hairdressing salon - En el salón de belleza

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Would you like me to wash it?
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¿Le gustaría que se lo lave?
I would like to have a red one.
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Me gustaría uno rojo.
Don't brush your hair when it's wet, it's too fragile.
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No cepille su cabello cuando esté mojado, ya que es demasiado frágil.
Do you want it styled straight or wavy?
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¿Quieres un estilo recto u ondulado?
You should brush your hair gently to avoid damaging it.
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Debería cepillar su cabello gentilmente para evitar dañarlo.
We have cosmetology services as well.
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También tenemos servicios de cosmetología.
How short would you like it?
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¿Qué tan corto le gustaría?
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