April 12 (2) Pat's words 2021_03_15

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a small part of a plant, that develops into a flower or leaf
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new or almost new, and in very good condition
glimmer of hope
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* of hope
St Mark's Gospel/the Gospel according to St Mark
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any of the four books of the Bible that contain details of the life of Jesus Christ:
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a short, simple story that teaches or explains an idea, especially a moral or religious idea
The party has been trying to woo the voters with promises of electoral reform. The airline has been offering discounted tickets to woo passengers away from their competitors.
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to try to persuade someone to support you or to use your business:
to shove
She was jostled and shoved by an angry crowd as she left the court. Just wait your turn - there's no need to shove. Reporters pushed and shoved as they tried to get close to the princess.
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to push someone or something forcefully:
I'm trying to foster an interest in classical music in my children. They were discussing the best way to foster democracy and prosperity in the former communist countries.
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to encourage the development or growth of ideas or feelings:
Physical abuse involves the infliction of physical injury on a child. the deliberate infliction of pain on others
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the action of forcing someone to experience something very unpleasant:
We revamped the management system, but the business is doing no better than it was before. The walled garden was completely revamped last year.
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to change or arrange something again, in order to improve it
Measures have been taken to protect the world's depleted elephant population. physically/emotionally depleted (= weakened)
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Dinner was somewhat delayed on account of David's rather tardy arrival.
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slow or late in happening or arriving
to no avail
The students asked the school to help them raise the money, but to no avail.
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without any success or any effect
At any rate
Well, I'm not going home on foot, at any rate. I don't think they liked my idea. At any rate, they weren't very enthusiastic about it.
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whatever happens:
They had started with the premise that all men are created equal. The research project is based on the premise stated earlier.
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an idea or theory on which a statement or action is based
to curtail your holiday/spending With all the snow, our daily walks have been severely curtailed
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to stop something before it is finished, or to reduce or limit something:
The bread/biscuits/cake had gone stale. The morning after the party, their apartment smelled of stale cigarette smoke.
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no longer new or fresh, usually as a result of being kept for too long:
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a food in the form of long, thin strips made from flour or rice, water, and often egg, cooked in boiling liquid:

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