25. efficiency and employment

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contract work
praca kontraktowa
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temporary employment by an organisation to do a specific project or piece of work
casual work
praca dorywcza, praca sezonowa
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temporary employment that is not regular or fixed
usuwanie poziomów zarządzania w przedsiębiorstwie
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removing unproductive parts of the management hierarchy to make organisations more flexible and efficient
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decreasing the number of permanent employees working for an organization
flexible labour market
elastyczny rynek pracy
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a situation in which it is easy for companies to hire non-permanent staff
job sharing
podział stanowiska między dwie lub więcej osób zatrudnionych w niepełnym wymiarze godzin
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employing two or more people on a part-time basis to perform a job normally available to one person working full time
outsourcing or contracting-out
outsourcing (zlecenie wykonania usług na zewnątrz)
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a situation in which a company employs another organization to do some of its work, rather than using its own employees to do it
rationalisation or restructuring
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reorganizing a company, business or system in a new way to reduce costs and improve efficiency and effectiveness
relocation or delocalisation
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moving some of a business's activities (production) to another place or country
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he practice of making a company or an organization smaller by reducing the number of people working for it, or to become smaller in this way (used especially by organizations that want to avoid using the word "downsize")

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