11. Lesson: Obesity and its Prevention

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weighing too much because you have too much flesh on your body
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someone who is overweight is too heavy and fat; Pol. z nadwagę
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a word used especially by doctors to describe people who are very fat, in a way that is bad for their health; Pol. otyły
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slightly fat in a way that looks healthy and attractive; a more informal word and is used especially of children or of rounded body parts such as cheeks or knees; Pol. pucołowaty, pulchny
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slightly fat in a fairly pleasant way - used especially about women or children, often to avoid saying the word fat; Pol. pulchny, puszysty
gorge on sth
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Pol. obżerać się czymś
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formal fat
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having unattractive soft loose flesh rather than strong muscles; Pol. obwisły, zwiotczały
snack on sth
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Pol. podjadać (coś)
shed extra kilos
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Pol. zrzucić zbędne kilogramy
fight the flab
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to lose weight
put sb on a diet
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Pol. przepisać, zlecić (komuś) dietę
be on a diet
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Pol. być na diecie
stick to a diet
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Pol. przestrzegać diety
eat/have a healthy diet
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Pol. jeść zdrowe pożywienie
couch potato
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someone who spends a lot of time sitting and watching television
follow in sb’s footsteps
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Pol. pójść w ślady kogoś
look up to sb
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to admire or respect someone
follow suit
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to do the same as someone else has done
formative years
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The years during which a child develps their personality; Pol. okres kształtowania osobowości
teach/learn by example
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Pol. uczyć/uczyć się poprzez przykład
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unintentionally; Pol. nieświadomie, mimowolnie, bezwiednie
have/lead a healthy lifestyle
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Pol. prowadzić zdrowy tryb życia
an unhealthy lifestyle
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Pol. niezdrowy tryb życia
a sedentary lifestyle
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Pol. siedzący tryb życia
have a hectic lifestyle
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Pol. żyć w szalnonym tempie (być bardzo zabieganym)
at its roots
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When you deal with a problem _____ you deal with its real cause
get to the root
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If you _____ of a problem you find its real cause
follow the crowd
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to do the same thing that most other people are doing, without really thinking about it for yourself
they follow the example of their parents
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Pol. idą za przykładem swoich rodziców

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