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the smallest funcional unit of all organisms
Cell theory (3 main principles)
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1. All organisms are composed of one or more cells. 2. Cells are the smallest units of life. 3. All cells come from pre-existing cells.
7 Functions of life
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Metabolism, Response, Homeostasis, Growth, Reproduction, Excreation, Nutrition
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Chemical reactions that release energy for cellular use.
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An irreversible increase in size
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Producion of offspring (sexual or asexual)
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ability to react to changes in the environment
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maintaining stable internal conditions
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obtaining food needed for energy and growth
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Removal of waste products of metabolism
Common features of every cell
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surrounded by a membrane, containins genetic material, conducts chemical reactions, have energy release system
Why cells can be thaught of as the smallest living structures?
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Because nothing smaller can survive
Stem Cells
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special cells that are able to develop into many different cell types
Unicellular organisms
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Single-celled and can carry out all of the functions of life independently
Multicellular organisms
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Have specialised cells to carry out specific functions
Scientific process
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Observation -> Hypothesis -> Test -> Corroborte --(Repeat)-> THEORY
What Pasteur did?
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He disproved the theory of spontaneous generation
Totipotent stem cell
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Can differentiate into any type of a cell e.g. Zygote
Pluripotent stem cell
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Can differentiate into many types of cell e.g. Induced pluripotent stem cells
Multipotent stem cells
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Can differentiate into few closely related types of cells e.g. Haematopoietic cells
Unipotent stem cells
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Can regenerate but can only differentiate into their associated cell types e.g. Skin cells

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