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small building, usually made of wood, used for storing things / komórka
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a shed
(esp. of small children and animals) to run with small, quick steps / pędzić, gnać, czmychnać
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to scamper
annoying or causing troubles / nieznośny
This ... rabbit is one of the variables that distinguishes Alex's gardening from his carpentry.
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annoying or causing troubles / nieznośny на английском языке
to produce new plants using a parent plant / rozmnożyć, szerzyć
All of these flowers here started from one flower and they...
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to propagate
existing and accepted in a particular place or at a particular time / panujący
If you look at the ... culture of parents and caregiving in the US, it's a picture that you might imagine if you thought about a carpenter.
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found or existing everywhere / wszechobecny
The very word parenting, which seems so ... and taken for granted now, is actually quite recent.
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becoming quicker and quicker as the thing that increases becomes larger / wykładniczy
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an activity in which it is foolish to engage because it is likely to be unsuccessful or dangerous
Trying to say: if you do this, then your child's going to come out like that in the long run it's a .......
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a mug's game
develop or happen as a result/to be in a certain condition or to achieve sth at the end of a process/wychodzić
If you're a carpenter, then your children aren't going to ... to have some terrible, crazy feature. Children ... in all sorts of unexpected ways.
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to come up
unexpected events or changes that cannot be controlled and can influence a situation / kaprysy
By creating an environment where children can learn and explore, you build children who are going to be more resilient, more able to deal with the ... of life.
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a long, narrow container without a lid that usually holds water or food for farm animals/koryto
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a trough
too large or too small in comparison to sth else / nieproporcjonalny
Kids who are in the Ivy League colleges, a ... number of them come from families who are in top 1 percent of the country.
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an advantage over other people/przewaga
Teenagers staying up until 2 o'clock at night studying for their SATs and trying to get that ... it's crazy.
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an edge
the quality of being dynamic/dynamizm
... and flexibility of people changing, having different developmental trajectories - that's sth that actually makes the society at large flourish
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clearly and exactly/wyraźnie
Researchers once presented a kid with a toy and sometimes the adult ... showed the kid how the toy worked and sometimes didn't.
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